
ESL Manage App privacy policy


Shanghai BLOZI Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd.

本应用深知个人信息对您的重要性,并会尽全力保护您的个人信息安全可靠。我们致力于维持您对我们的信任,恪守以下原则,保护您的个 人信息:权责一致原则、目的明确原则、选择同意原则、最少够用原则、确保安全原则、主体参与原则、公开透明原则等。同时,我们承诺,我们将按 业界成熟的安全标准,采取相应的安全保护措施来保护您的个人信息。 请在使用我们的产品(或服务)前,仔细阅读并了解本《价签管理APP隐私权 政策》。

This application is well aware of the importance and also do its best to protect the safety and reliability of personal information . we are committed to maintaining your trust in us and abide by the following principles, to protect your personal information; principle of consistent rights and responsibilities , principle of clear purpose , principle of choice and consent, principle of least enough , principle of ensuring security, principle of subject participation, principle of openness and transparency , etc. meanwhile , we promise that we will adopt appropriate security protection measures to protect your personal information in accordance with the mature security standards of the industry. Please read and understand this “ESL Manage App privacy policy “ carefully before using our products (or services)4

1. 适用范围

Scope of application


When you use the software network service, the software automatically receives and records the information on your phone , including but not limited to the language you use, the date and time of the visit , the software and hardware characteristics information ,and the webpage records .

2. 信息使用

Use of information

个人信息是指以电子或者其他方式记录的能够单独或者与其他信息结合识别特定自然人身份或者反映特定自然人活动情况的各种信息。 我们仅会出于本政策所述的以下目的,收集和使用您的个人信息:

Personal information refers to various information recorded electronically or in other ways that can identify a specific natural person alone or in combination with other information or reflect the activities of a specific natural person. We will only collect and use your personal information for the following purposes described in the policy :


We do not sell any products , nor display any product at the same time


Carry out internal data analysis and research, and improve our products or services.


The following system permissions need to be requested so that you can use some functions normally.


Use the camera: if you need to use the scan price tag function , please turn on the camera permission for barcode scanning identification.


Album :if you need to use the store creation function, please turn on the album permission for photos used to select complete store information.

3. 信息披露

Information disclosure


As the following circumstances, this application will disclose your personal information in whole or in part according to your personal willing or legal requirements

(1) 未经您事先同意,我们不会向第三方披露;

We will not disclose to third parties without prior consent


In order to provide the products and services which you request , so you must share your personal information with third parties


Disclosure to a third party or administrative or judicial organization in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law or the requirements of an administrative or judicial organization.


If you violate relevant Chinese laws, regulations or this application service agreement or related rules, you need to disclose to a third party.

(5) 如您是适格的知识产权投诉人并已提起投诉,应被投诉人要求,向被投诉人披露,以便双方处理可能的权利纠纷;

If you are a qualified intellectual property complainant and have filed a complaint, you should disclose it to the respondent at the request of the respondent so that both parties can handle possible rights disputes

4. 信息存储和交换

Information storage and exchange


The information and data collected by this application about you will be stored on the servers of this application and/or its affiliated companies. This information and data may be transmitted to your country, region or outside the country where the application collects information and data, and displayed outside the country.

5. 用户账号注销和时效

User account cancellation and aging


The account registration function has not been opened in this application. As a mobile terminal of the price tag management system, when the price tag management system is delivered to the merchant by our company, the merchant can obtain the management authority of the account in the system. In the merchant's price tag management system, you can enter the background management website to assign administrator and ordinary role accounts to users, and the creation and cancellation of accounts are managed by the user's merchant. If you need to cancel the account, the user can contact the administrator of the merchant where he is located to cancel the assigned account. The cancellation time is subject to the processing time of the merchant. Regarding the account management function in the price tag system, if you have more questions, you can contact us through the contact information in Article 7, and there will be after-sales personnel to help you.


How to update this privacy policy


We may make adjustments or changes to this privacy in due course. Any updates to this privacy policy will be posted on our website by marking the update time . unless otherwise mandatory by laws, regulations or regulatory provisions, adjustments or changes will be made . the content will take effect in 7 days after notification or announcement , if you continue to use any of the services we provide or visit our related websites after the privacy police is adjusted or changed, we believe that this means you have fully read, understood and accepted the revised privacy policy and are bound by it.

7. 联系我们

How to contact us

如果您对本隐私政策有任何意见或问题,或者您对我们收集、使用或披露您的个人信息有任何问题,请通过访问 http://www.blozi.com.cn/index.php/about-blozi/contactus 联系我们。针对您关于个人信息相关的权利请求、问题咨询等时,我们有专业的团队解决你的问题。如果你的问题本身涉及比较重大的事项,我们可能会要求你提供更多信息。如果您对收到的答复不满意,您可以将投诉移交给所在司法辖区的相关监管机构。如果您咨询我们,我们会根据您的实际情况,提供可能适用的相关投诉途径的信息。

If you have any comments or questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you have any questions about our collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, please contact us by visiting http://www.blozi.com.cn/index.php/about-blozi/contactus. We have a professional team to solve your problems in response to your request for rights related to personal information, inquiries, etc. If your question itself involves a more substantial matter, we may ask you for more information. If you are not satisfied with the responses you have received, you can refer your complaint to the relevant supervisory authority in your jurisdiction. If you consult us, we will provide information on the relevant complaint channels that may be applicable based on your actual situation.


Shanghai BLOZI Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd.


Update Date: 2022/07/15